The Obscure Company

My Photo
Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Our best month ever?

It is likely that June 2006 will be remembered in the annals of Obscure history as one of the Company's defining moments. The transformation from occasional pastime to non-profit company to IRS-approved charity wasn't always smooth or seamless... but it is now complete. We owe thanks to many people who gave their ideas and their time toward achieving this goal. Perhaps most importantly, we owe most of this to those of you reading this website, who attended our events, pledged your money, and supported our causes. It was the outpouring of support that we received over the years that helped us realize that the ceiling for the Obscure Company's ambition was much higher than we ever expected. We continue to push those expectations and goals higher, and are working diligently to make this company into something of significant worth in the RI community. Thanks again to all of you for your support!

I also want to mention the overwhelming success of our first ever golf outing this Sunday. After the months of behind-the-scenes work needed to get the Company to its current state, it was wonderful to remember that we can still get together for the fun of it. Most impressively, the 14 people who came out made this day one of our most successfully attended events ever! I think it is safe to say that you will see similar events in the not-too-distant future...

As always, please send us your comments and ideas. And thank you again for being a large part of such a momentous accomplishment. Viva la Obscurity!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


This blog will help keep you informed of the day-to-day progress of the Obscure Company. Here you will find news and thoughts from all the Company's executives. Enjoy, and remember to visit the new Obscure Company website!